The Dilemma of Breguet: A Powerful Brand with Decreasing Value

“The Dilemma of Breguet: A Powerful Brand with Decreasing Value” examines the unpredictable nature of the pre-owned watch market and the factors that can cause watches to lose their value. From trends and limited editions to brand decisions and distribution, this article delves into the various aspects that contribute to the decrease in value. Breguet, despite being a powerhouse in the industry, serves as an example of a brand that experiences a loss in value. It explores brand identity, independence, distribution, as well as personal preference as key factors in determining a watch’s value.

In a video by WatchBox Studios, Armand Johnston, a trader with WatchBox, sheds light on what makes watches lose value. He discusses the impact of trends, limited editions, lack of versatility, and brand equity on a watch’s value and offers insights into the market dynamics. Whether you’re a watch enthusiast or looking to make a future watch purchase, this article and video provide valuable information on understanding the factors that determine a watch’s value in the pre-owned market.

Table of Contents

The Dilemma of Breguet: A Powerful Brand with Decreasing Value

Factors that Cause Watches to Lose Value

Watches are not immune to the laws of supply and demand, and various factors can contribute to a decrease in their value over time. Understanding these factors is crucial for both watch enthusiasts and potential buyers looking for a timepiece with good value retention.

Fluctuating Prices in the Pre-Owned Market

The pre-owned watch market is known for its unpredictability when it comes to pricing. The value of a watch can fluctuate depending on various factors such as market demand, the current economic climate, and the reputation of the brand. For example, if a brand falls out of favor or a new trend emerges, the prices of their pre-owned watches may decrease.

Trends and Its Effect on Value

Trends play a significant role in the value of watches. The size and wearability of watches are constantly evolving, and as a result, watches that were once popular may lose value if they no longer align with current fashion trends. For instance, oversized watches were in high demand several years ago, but as the trend shifted towards smaller, more versatile timepieces, the value of larger watches decreased.

Limited Editions and Value Decrease

Limited edition watches can be a hit or miss when it comes to value retention. While some limited editions may become highly sought after and appreciate in value, others may not have the same success. The key factors that determine whether a limited edition watch will hold its value include the frequency of limited edition releases by the brand and the perceived exclusivity or desirability of the watch.

Lack of Versatility in Design

Watches that lack versatility in their design may experience a decrease in value over time. A watch that can only be worn on specific occasions or with certain outfits limits its appeal to a broader audience. Watches that can seamlessly transition from casual to formal settings tend to have better value retention as they cater to a wider range of preferences and lifestyles.

Brand Decisions and Value Retention

The decisions made by a watch brand can have a significant impact on the value of their watches. For example, if a brand deviates too much from its core identity or releases models that are not well-received by the market, it can lead to a decrease in value. Brand reputation and customer perception play a crucial role in determining how a watch will be valued in the market.

The Unpredictable Pre-Owned Watch Market

Navigating the pre-owned watch market can be challenging, as prices are subject to fluctuation and can be influenced by various factors. Understanding these factors can help buyers make informed decisions and potentially avoid watches that are prone to losing value.

Fluctuating Prices

Prices in the pre-owned market can fluctuate due to a variety of reasons. Changes in market demand, shifts in consumer preferences, and economic factors can all contribute to price fluctuations. It is important to stay updated on these trends and consult with experts or trusted sources before making a purchase.

Market Demand and Supply

Market demand and supply dynamics play a significant role in the value of pre-owned watches. When there is high demand for a particular brand or model, prices tend to increase. Conversely, if there is an oversupply of certain watches in the market, prices may decrease. Understanding the dynamics of supply and demand can help buyers gauge the potential value retention of a watch.

Effect of Economic Factors

Economic factors such as inflation, currency exchange rates, and overall market conditions can impact the value of pre-owned watches. During periods of economic instability or recession, buyers may be more cautious with their purchases, leading to lower demand and prices. On the other hand, a robust economy and strong consumer sentiment can drive prices up.

Brand Reputation and Market Value

The reputation of a watch brand can greatly affect the value of its pre-owned watches. Established brands with a strong history of quality craftsmanship, innovation, and customer satisfaction often command higher prices in the pre-owned market. Conversely, brands with a less favorable reputation may experience lower demand and prices.

Breguet as a Powerhouse Brand

Breguet is a well-known and respected brand in the watch industry. Despite being a powerhouse brand, Breguet has faced challenges in retaining the value of its watches. Understanding Breguet’s history, reputation, and market positioning can shed light on why their watches may experience a decrease in value.

Overview of Breguet’s History and Legacy

Breguet has a rich history dating back to its founding in 1775 by Abraham-Louis Breguet. The brand has been known for its innovations in watchmaking, including the invention of the tourbillon and the development of the automatic winding mechanism. Breguet watches have been favored by historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Antoinette, further enhancing the brand’s prestige and legacy.

Breguet’s Reputation in the Watch Industry

Breguet has earned a reputation for producing high-quality timepieces with exquisite craftsmanship. The brand is known for its attention to detail, elegant designs, and technical mastery. Breguet watches are often seen as symbols of luxury and sophistication.

High-Quality Craftsmanship and Innovation

One of the key factors that contribute to the value of Breguet watches is the brand’s commitment to high-quality craftsmanship and innovation. Breguet watches are often handcrafted by skilled artisans, using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations. The brand’s dedication to excellence in both design and functionality adds to the overall value of their watches.

Breguet’s Market Positioning

Breguet occupies a unique position in the watch market, positioned as a luxury brand with a rich history and heritage. The brand’s watches are often associated with elegance, refinement, and timeless design. Breguet’s market positioning as a high-end luxury brand influences the perceived value of their watches in the pre-owned market.

Factors Affecting a Watch’s Value

Several factors influence the value of a watch, including brand identity, independence, distribution channels, and the potential impact of over-distribution. Understanding these factors can help buyers assess the value retention of a watch and make informed purchasing decisions.

Brand Identity and Perception

Brand identity plays a crucial role in determining the value of a watch. Established brands with a strong identity and a loyal customer base often experience better value retention. The reputation, heritage, and perceived prestige associated with a brand can positively impact the value of its watches.

Independence versus Corporate Ownership

The ownership structure of a watch brand can affect its value retention. Independent brands that have full control over their production processes and decision-making often maintain a higher level of exclusivity and craftsmanship. On the other hand, brands owned by large corporate groups may face challenges in maintaining the same level of attention to detail and exclusivity.

Distribution Channels and Partnerships

The distribution strategy of a watch brand can influence its value retention. Brands that opt for selective distribution and work with authorized retailers often maintain a sense of exclusivity and desirability. However, over-distribution of watches, especially through unauthorized channels or the grey market, can result in a dilution of the brand’s value and reduced prices in the pre-owned market.

Impact of Over-Distribution

Over-distribution of luxury watches can have a significant impact on their value. When a brand produces and distributes a high volume of watches, it can lead to oversupply in the market. This oversupply can drive prices down, as retailers compete to sell the excess inventory. Over time, this can result in a decrease in the value of the watches in the pre-owned market.

Impact of Brand Identity on Value

Brand identity plays a crucial role in determining the value of a watch. A strong brand identity is often associated with brand recognition, reputation, prestige, historical significance, and brand loyalty. These factors contribute to the perceived value and desirability of a watch in the market.

Brand Recognition and Reputation

Well-established watch brands with a strong reputation and widespread recognition often command higher prices in the pre-owned market. The reputation of a brand is built over time through consistent production of high-quality watches, innovative designs, and exceptional craftsmanship. A brand with a recognizable name and a positive association can have a significant impact on the value of its watches.

Perceived Prestige and Exclusivity

The perceived prestige and exclusivity of a brand are key factors in determining the value of its watches. Luxury watch brands that are seen as exclusive and catering to a discerning clientele often experience better value retention. Limited production runs, partnerships with high-end retailers, and associations with influential personalities can all contribute to the perception of prestige and exclusivity.

Historical Significance and Heritage

The historical significance and heritage of a watch brand can add value to its watches. Brands with a long and storied history, often associated with notable events, figures, or inventions, can command higher prices in the pre-owned market. The heritage and timeless appeal of a brand can create a sense of nostalgia and admiration, which translates into increased value retention.

Brand Loyalty and Collector’s Value

Brand loyalty plays a significant role in the value retention of watches. Watch enthusiasts and collectors often have a preference for specific brands and actively seek out watches from those brands. This loyalty and demand among collectors can drive up prices in the pre-owned market, especially for limited edition or rare watches.

The Role of Independence in Value Retention

The independence of a watch brand can influence its value retention. Independent brands that have full control over their production processes, design decisions, and distribution channels often maintain a higher level of exclusivity and craftsmanship, which can positively impact the value of their watches.

Independence as a Symbol of Quality and Craftsmanship

Independence in the watch industry is often seen as a symbol of quality and craftsmanship. Independent brands have the freedom to prioritize the integrity and artistry of their watches without corporate constraints. This independence allows them to maintain a high level of attention to detail and a more personal touch in the production process, which can contribute to better value retention.

Corporate Ownership and Mass Production

When watch brands are owned by large corporate groups, they may face challenges in maintaining the same level of exclusivity and craftsmanship. Corporate ownership can lead to a focus on mass production and cost efficiency, which may result in a decrease in value over time. Large-scale production and standardized processes can dilute the uniqueness and desirability of a watch.

Consumer Perception and Value

Consumer perception plays a significant role in determining the value of a watch. Many watch enthusiasts and collectors value the unique story, craftsmanship, and individuality associated with independent brands. These consumers often prefer watches that are not mass-produced and have a distinct identity. As a result, watches from independent brands generally experience better value retention in the pre-owned market.

Distribution and its Effect on Value

The distribution strategy of a watch brand can greatly impact the value retention of its watches. The way in which watches are distributed and sold can determine their availability, exclusivity, and perceived value in the market.

Selective Distribution and Exclusivity

Brands that opt for selective distribution and partner with authorized retailers often maintain a sense of exclusivity and desirability. By carefully choosing their retail partners, these brands can control the availability of their watches and ensure that they are marketed to a specific target audience. Selective distribution can contribute to better value retention, as the watches are perceived as more exclusive and sought after.

Market Saturation and Value Dilution

When luxury watches are over-distributed and readily available, they can lose their sense of exclusivity and desirability. If too many retailers carry the same brand and models, it can lead to market saturation and a dilution of the brand’s value. Over time, this oversaturation can result in decreased prices and value in the pre-owned market.

Authorized Retailers and Grey Market

The presence of authorized retailers is essential for maintaining the value of a watch brand. Authorized retailers are often selected based on their reputation, expertise, and brand alignment. Purchasing watches through authorized channels ensures authenticity and provides a guarantee of after-sales service and support. On the other hand, the grey market, which refers to watches sold through unauthorized channels, can have a negative impact on value retention. Grey market watches are often sold at discounted prices, which can negatively affect the perceived value and resale prices in the pre-owned market.

Over-Distribution of Luxury Watches

Over-distribution of luxury watches can lead to a decrease in their value over time. When a brand produces and distributes a high volume of watches, it can result in oversupply in the market and drive prices down. This oversaturation can have several consequences for the brand and its watches.

Consequences of Over-Distribution

Over-distribution can dilute the exclusivity and desirability of a luxury watch brand. When watches are readily available and accessible, their perceived value decreases. Consumers may perceive these watches as less special or unique, resulting in lower demand and prices.

Brand Dilution and Perception

Over-distribution can lead to brand dilution, as the market becomes saturated with the brand’s watches. When a brand’s watches are available at numerous retailers and through various distribution channels, it can create the perception that the brand is no longer as exclusive or prestigious. This perception can negatively impact the value retention of the brand’s watches.

Price Erosion and Value Depreciation

The oversupply of luxury watches in the market can lead to price erosion and value depreciation. When retailers need to sell excess inventory, they may offer discounts or incentives to attract buyers. These price reductions can drive down the overall market value of the watches and affect their resale prices in the pre-owned market.

Watch Trends and Value Retention

Watch trends play a significant role in the value retention of timepieces. The size, design, and wearability of watches are constantly evolving, and trends can impact the desirability and value of specific models.

Trending Towards Smaller Watches

In recent years, there has been a trend towards smaller, more wearable watches. Large, oversized watches were once popular, but as fashion preferences shifted, smaller watches gained popularity. Watches that do not align with current trends in size and wearability may experience a decrease in value, as they may not appeal to the preferences of the majority of buyers.

Wearability and Versatility

Watches that offer versatility in their design and wearability tend to have better value retention. Buyers today often look for watches that can be worn in various settings, from casual to formal. A watch that can seamlessly transition from the beach to the office, for example, caters to a wider range of preferences and lifestyles, leading to better value retention.

Lean Towards Certain Design Elements

Brands often lean towards design elements that cater to specific preferences or trends, such as dress watches or sports watches. While there is still demand for both types of watches, brands that strike a balance between the two and offer watches that can be worn in various settings tend to perform better in terms of value retention.

Limited Editions and their Impact on Value

Limited edition watches have long been a topic of debate when it comes to value retention. While some limited editions appreciate in value and become highly sought after, others may not have the same success. Several factors contribute to whether a limited edition watch will hold its value in the pre-owned market.

Frequency of Limited Edition Releases

The frequency of limited edition releases by a brand can impact the value retention of their watches. Brands that release limited editions too frequently risk diluting their exclusivity. Collectors and buyers may lose interest if they feel that limited editions are no longer truly limited. On the other hand, limited edition releases that are well-spaced and genuinely limited in production tend to hold their value better.

Exclusivity and Desirability

The perceived exclusivity and desirability of a limited edition watch are crucial factors in determining its value retention. Limited editions that offer unique design elements, rare materials, or special features often appeal to collectors and enthusiasts. The scarcity and desirability of these watches can drive up their value in the pre-owned market.

Design and Aesthetics

The design and aesthetics of a limited edition watch can greatly influence its value retention. Limited editions that offer a fresh take on a classic design or incorporate unique elements tend to hold their value better. Watches that are simply variations of existing models may not have the same appeal or demand, resulting in a decrease in value over time.

Brand Equity and its Influence on Value

Brand equity, which encompasses a brand’s reputation, customer perception, and market position, has a significant influence on the value of a watch. Strong brand equity can positively impact the value retention of a watch, while a weaker brand identity may result in decreased value over time.

Trust and Reputation

A watch brand’s reputation for quality and craftsmanship helps build trust among consumers. Brands known for their commitment to excellence and their long-standing presence in the luxury watch market often maintain better value retention. The trust and confidence that consumers have in a brand can influence the perceived value of its watches.

Brand Loyalty and Collector’s Market

Brand loyalty and a strong collector’s market can contribute to better value retention for a watch. Buyers who are loyal to a particular brand and actively seek out watches from that brand can drive up demand and prices. Limited edition releases or collaboration models, in particular, can attract collectors who are willing to pay a premium for these exclusive watches.

Perceived Prestige and Exclusivity

Perceived prestige and exclusivity are key drivers of brand equity and value retention. Luxury watch brands that are seen as exclusive, prestigious, and catering to a discerning clientele often maintain better value retention. The brand’s heritage, associations with influential figures or events, and overall image can contribute to the perceived prestige and exclusivity of its watches.

The Importance of Personal Preference

While various factors can influence the value of a watch, personal preference should not be overlooked. Ultimately, a watch’s value is subjective and can vary depending on individual tastes, preferences, and emotional connections.

Personal preference should play a significant role in the decision-making process when buying a watch. Rather than solely focusing on market trends or potential value retention, buyers should consider their own style, preferences, and the emotional connection they have with a particular watch. Investing in a watch that resonates with personal preferences and brings joy and satisfaction is often more meaningful than simply chasing trends or potential value gains.


The value of a watch is influenced by a multitude of factors, including market trends, limited editions, brand identity, distribution channels, and personal preference. Understanding these factors and their impact can help watch enthusiasts and potential buyers make informed decisions when purchasing a timepiece.

While value retention is an important consideration, it is equally important to choose a watch that aligns with personal style, preferences, and emotional connection. Investing in a watch that brings joy and satisfaction will ultimately make the ownership experience more fulfilling, regardless of its future market value.

In the case of Breguet, despite being a powerhouse brand with a rich history and reputation, they have faced challenges in retaining the value of their watches. Factors such as brand decisions, over-distribution, and market trends have contributed to the decrease in value of Breguet watches in the pre-owned market.

By analyzing and understanding the various factors that influence a watch’s value, potential buyers can make informed decisions and select watches that align with their desires, personal style, and long-term satisfaction.